Michas driving school offers education for driving licenses in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg, Fuerth and Erlangen with relaxed and patient driving instructors. |
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Driving license at Michas driving school what are the reasons for and against ... |
We instruct and offer quality and service for a low budget and this for more than 22 years
With our homepage we want to offer our students a lot of information and no flashplayers with thousands of meaningless images!
Attention - all new categories of the driving licenses which are changed 19.01.2013 are actuall
My name is Micha and so call me all my students too since i started as an employed instructor in the year 1980.
After several employments i started as selfemployed in the year 1990 under the name Michas-Fahrschule.
My concept since the first day – after 10 years as an employee – was to offer quality and service for low budget.
This proved itself in all these years (till 1990) and will be constantly confirmed always by many students.
Since the beginning we train on Since the beginning we train on sportly cars simple to drive and not on big-daddy-cars. Everytime we train on vehicles which are easy to drive to get the license faster, which is more complicated with big cars.
Also in the motorcycle division we were and we are more than successful with this concept.
We expanded and offered our service with more instructors and more agencys and amplified our instruction in theory and practice to the languages English, Spanish and French. But to offer our whole concept and our whole service with the complete quality to each student we had to centralized all again.
In march 2009 we could realize our final dream without problems. The driving school moved over to the Äussere Bayreuther Straße 48 in Nürnberg, what is a supercentral location in radius of public transportation (underground, bus and train).
Absolutely new and modern rooms, best conditions, absolutely modern possibilities to instruct, flexible hours of theory in a supercentral location. We now can offer theoretical lessons not only in the evening also during daytime and saturday in combination with the best conditions.
Reasons to select Michas driving school whats for it...
We offer a qualified instruction through experienced and patient instructors, which are and will be recently studied further.
We are training on ecologically, friendly, sporty and new vehicles, which are not too big.
You also can do your instruction in Spanish, English and French in theory an practice.
We are flexible with our hours of theory and do class individual during the daytime and also on Saturdays.
We offer instruction in the category A (motocycle unlimited), A2 (motorcycle limited), A1 (125ccm), AM (50ccm motorcycle), Mofa, L (tractor), B (automobile) and BE (automobile with trailer).
We offer real specialized educaters as instructors for help you to learn how to drive and to get the drivers license.
We help you with “drive with 17” also as we can help you to get into an advanced course for the probation time or points reduction.
Reasons to select Michas driving school whats against it......
Your not living in the metropolitan area of Nuremberg, Fuerth and Erlangen cause you live for example in Hamburg.
You can´t afford the drivers license even with this favourable prices.
You dont want to spend more money than necessary.
You are only fixed on hours of theory and you are not open for practical instruction also on Saturdays.
You need stress and trouble with a bothered, unpatient and stressed instructor.
You want to spend a lot of time for get your drivers license.
Our slogan is “Michas driving school – helps on the way to the drivers license” means to be there for every student at everytime..
Rate calculator and comparison calculator in the category "Prices" to calculate your driving license
Additionaly theoretical lessons also Mi+Do from 19:30-21:00 + 21:15-22:45 available